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How should customers choose diesel generator sets?


First, the eight traps that users should pay attention to when purchasing.
1 Confuse the relationship between KVA and KW. KVA is used as a KW to exaggerate power and sell it to customers. In fact, KVA is the apparent power, KW is the effective power, and the relationship between them is IKVA=0.8KW. Imported units generally use KVA to represent power units, while domestic power equipment is generally indicated by KW. Therefore, when calculating power, KVA should be converted into KW by 8 fold.
  2, do not talk about the relationship between long line (rated) power and backup power, only say a "power", the backup power is sold to customers as long-term power. In fact, backup power = 1.1x long line power. Moreover, the backup power can only be used for 1 hour in 12 hours of continuous operation.
  3. The power of the diesel engine is as large as the power of the generator to reduce the cost. In fact, the industry generally specifies diesel engine power ≥ generator power 10% because of mechanical losses. Even worse, some diesel engine horsepower is misreported to the user as kilowatts, and the diesel engine is used to configure the unit. It is commonly known as: small horse-drawn carts, and the unit life is reduced, maintenance is frequent, and usage fees are used. No high.
  4. The second mobile phone refurbished machine is sold to the customer as a brand new machine, and the refurbished diesel engine is equipped with a new generator and control cabinet, so that the general non-professional users can't tell whether it is a new machine or an old machine.
  5. Only report the diesel engine or generator brand, do not report the place of production, do not report the unit brand. Such as Cummins in the United States, Volvo in the United Kingdom, and Steinford in the United Kingdom. In fact, it is impossible for any diesel generator set to be completed independently by a single company. Customers should fully understand the diesel engine, generator, control cabinet manufacturer and brand of the unit in order to comprehensively evaluate the unit's grade.
  6. Sell the unit without protection function (commonly known as four protections) as a fully functional unit to the customer. What's more, sell the unit with incomplete meter and no air switch to the customer. In fact, the industry generally requires more than 10KW units must be equipped with full instrument (commonly known as five meters) and air switches; large units and automation units must have self-protection.
  7. Regardless of the brand grade of diesel engines and generators, the configuration of control systems, not to mention after-sales service, we only talk about price and delivery time. Some will also use non-power station special oil engines, such as: marine diesel engines, and vehicle diesel engines for generator sets. The quality of the end product of the unit - electricity (voltage and frequency) cannot be guaranteed. Units with too low prices generally have problems, commonly known as: only buy the wrong and not sell wrong!
  8, do not talk about random accessories, such as with no silencer, fuel tank, oil pipeline, with what grade battery, large capacity battery, several batteries and so on. In fact, these attachments are important and must be stated in the contract. What's more, even the water tank fan is not included, allowing customers to open the pool.

Second, the unit purchase
  In the purchase of diesel generator sets, the comprehensive performance and economic indicators of the diesel generator set should be fully considered. The supplier's professionalism, geographical location and actual professional level, whether the supplier has after-sales service means, such as repairing vehicles, special machines and so on. Then consider whether the selected unit power and the power load power match. Generally, the rated power of the unit is x0.8=the power of the electric equipment is used to select the power of the unit. If you have a large and medium-sized motor, you need to consider 2-5 times the starting current. If the unit is mainly used to charge the UPS, it must make a professional consultation according to the actual situation of the UPS, and then determine the rated power of the generator

Third, the unit installation
  Before the diesel generator set is used, it should be installed and connected. When installing diesel generator sets, the following should be noted:
  1. The installation site should be well ventilated, the generator end should have sufficient air inlet, and the diesel engine end should have a good air outlet. The area of ​​the air outlet should be more than 1.5 times the area of ​​the water tank.
  2. The area around the installation site should be kept clean to avoid placing nearby items that can produce corrosive gases and vapors such as acid and alkali. Conditional fire extinguishing devices should be provided.
  3. If it is used indoors, the exhaust pipe must be opened to the outside, the diameter of the pipe must be ≥ the diameter of the pipe of the muffler, and the elbow of the pipe to be connected should not exceed 3 to ensure the smooth discharge of smoke, and should be The pipe is inclined downwards by 5-10 degrees to avoid rainwater injection; if the exhaust pipe is installed vertically upwards, a rain cover must be installed.
  4. When the foundation is made of concrete, the level should be measured with a level gauge during installation to fix the unit on a level basis. There should be a special shock pad or foot bolt between the unit and the foundation.
  5. The outer casing of the unit must have a reliable protective grounding. For generators that need to be grounded directly at the neutral point, the neutral point must be grounded by a professional and equipped with lightning protection devices. Neutral grounding devices with commercial power are strictly prohibited. Point directly to ground.
  6. The bidirectional switch between the generator and the mains must be very reliable to prevent reverse power transmission. The wiring reliability of the bidirectional switch is subject to inspection and approval by the local power supply department.
  7. The wiring of the starting battery must be firm

Fourth, the unit supporting
  In addition to the supplier's spare parts for diesel generators, there are some options, such as fuel tanks, utility chargers, and fuel pipelines. It is necessary to know how to purchase these add-ons. First of all, the fuel storage capacity of the fuel tank of the unit should be able to provide continuous operation of the unit for more than 8 hours at full load, and try to avoid adding oil to the fuel tank when the unit is running. Secondly, the mains charger should use a special charger with floating charge to ensure that the battery can be operated with the motive group at any time. The coolant should be rust-proof, anti-freeze and anti-boiling. Diesel engine oils above the CD level must be used.

Fifth, the importance of the city power switch
  The mains switch is divided into manual and automatic (referred to as ATS). If your diesel generator is used as a power source, you must install the mains switch at the input point of the power supply. It is strictly forbidden to input the self-contained power supply to the load by means of temporary wiring and memory operation. Because once the self-provided power supply is connected to the grid (referred to as reverse power), it will cause serious consequences of casualties and equipment damage. Whether the switch is installed correctly or not, it must be checked and approved by the local power supply department before it can be put into use. 
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