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African foreign businessmen come to our company to negotiate further business cooperation


On September 4th, African foreign businessmen and other delegations came to our company to negotiate further business cooperation. The general manager of the company, Feng Wei, and the heads of relevant departments, Mr. Huang and Mr. Zhang, expressed their warm welcome to the African VIPs and sincerely hope that the two sides will be more happy and develop together in the future cooperation. Mr. Feng introduced the company's recent operations, Yuchai's product sales, user usage and the latest patented products of Yuchai products, and accompanied foreign businessmen to the exhibition hall, production workshop, and test machine. In the workshop, the various components are placed in an orderly manner. The workers are undergoing intense and orderly production work. After the foreign businessmen have a detailed understanding of the current status of our company, the first-class design and outstanding quality of the generator set products are good. Production and operation status, perfect after-sales service, excellent management, advanced technology, etc. are very satisfied, and expressed full confidence in the future cooperation between the two sides.
Foreign businessmen said that they should establish a long-term cooperative relationship with our company; after negotiation, the two sides signed a negotiation contract. The visit by African foreign businessmen has promoted friendly cooperation and exchanges between the two sides and deepened the friendship between the two sides. At the same time, the relationship between the two sides has been further strengthened; it also fully demonstrates our company's outstanding Southeast Asian market development capabilities. Zhengchai is striving to enhance the brand awareness of the company, look to the future, seize the opportunity, and meet the challenge with a better attitude!

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0775-3281588 13877510596 zc3281588@163.com Website:http://www.gxzcfd.com
Address:Area A, Yuchai Industrial Park, Yulin City, Guangxi


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