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Yuchai has won the title of national quality leading enterprise in internal combustion engine industry


  Recently, yuchai received the honorary certificate of "national quality leading enterprise in internal combustion engine industry" and "national quality inspection stable qualified product" from China quality inspection association. This honor is another important honor after yuchai metrology laboratory passed the CNAS national laboratory competence recognition (international mutual recognition of test data issued) at the end of 2018.

       This honor is granted by China quality inspection association after investigating the product quality supervision and spot check of yuchai stock from January 2016 to January 2019 and the inspection situation of quality inspection and testing institutions at all levels. It is a great affirmation of yuchai's measurement and testing ability and the improvement of product quality performance in the past three years.

2019 is the key year for yuchai group vi and T4 products to be transferred to mass production. Yuchai group has passed the CNAS national laboratory capability recognition and won the honor of "national quality inspection and stable qualified product", which provides a strong guarantee for the inspection and supervision of yuchai group vi and T4 products.

In the future, yuchai will take high-end high-quality customers, suppliers and other international advanced enterprises as the benchmark, and conduct in-depth benchmarking from the aspects of policy management, guarantee management, improvement management, etc., to build the zero-defect quality assurance system YCQS with yuchai characteristics.

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